Friday, August 24, 2012

Friday Fun

As many of you know, I pracrice Ashtanga yoga which means each day I do one of a couple different sequences.  Yes, that's the same series of postures over and over and over again.  Honestly, I love the routine and the slow but steady progress it brings.  Recently, I've started have a little fun at the end of the week by throwing in a posture I don't normally work on.  Usually this is inspired by a picture I've seen or a conversation I've had.  Last week when my fun posture went better than expected, I videoed it.  Here are the results...

I know, I know.  It's not quite right just yet and it's totally not my style to post something a bit raw but I thought what the heck, it's Friday Fun after all.

Monday, August 6, 2012

Peace at last

Yesterday we dropped Matthew Sweeney off at the airport and finished the evening by having dinner with a yoga friend. At long last, the Sweeney event at our studio has come to an end. I feel good about the week. Logistically, everything seemed to work out, my practice went well, and I had a most amazing opportunity to assist Matthew. It was wonderful.

The week before we attended a week long Sweeney intensive in Durham, NC. It was excellent as usual with some interesting side notes. Since we were traveling with Lennon and had to be right back to host our own workshop, we flew rather than driving. Lennon's first airplane ride was a success and he was a trooper the whole time.

I'm returning to this post a week after I started. It's been hard to get back in the swing of practicing, especially considering the moon day last week. I did second for the first time in well over a week. Kapo was rusty but still there... Thankfully.

It finally feels like things gave settled down both at home and at the studio. Back to business as usually, daily practice upstairs, by myself and trying to convert everyone I meet into any ashtangi. A girl can hope.