Thursday, October 25, 2012


I'm really thankful to have found Ashtanga yoga. With every new life challenge, it's been a constant. Sometimes I can do more and other times less but I can almost always do something. And doing something sure feels better than doing nothing.

We have an Intro to Ashtanga class going right now and I hope that I can convey even a little of this to the group. I get it... Ashtanga is really hard at first. Remembering the poses is a challenge, but boy does it pay off. I'm never on my mat wondering what's next or what I should be working on. It's all crystal clear. The sequence allows for a more in depth exploration of what the body is presenting.

Recently another teacher said "You shouldn't do the same thing all the time. You should go to different classes and different teachers." Honestly, I've yet too see a practitioner that really worked for. I'd rather be really good at one thing than mediocre at everything. It's also exposes a fundamental misunderstanding of the system. I have four sequences to choose from based on the system I follow. Additionally, once a practitioner has gained a good understanding of a sequence, it could be varied by focus or intensity depending on need. That's key. And immeasurably helpful... And liberating.

I get that Ashtanga is not for everyone. It's a lot of work and a big commitment. In my experience, however, the pay off is super sweet. 🙏

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