Saturday, December 1, 2012

A Pinterest review

Lately, I've been trolling Pinterest for some indoor activities for Happy Baby. I found this one and thought it a good idea. Seems simple enough, and very little prep time.

I covered the floor with a bit of newspaper and taped it down. While L played with some tape, I opened the can and mixed up the "paint". I taped a paper to the newspaper and put a little of the paint into a big cup. I went first, putting my fingers in and running them over the paper. Then I helped L give it a try. Finally, I let L have a go on his own. He soon discovered that condensed milk is super sweet and tasty. Painting was over quickly and l spent the next several minutes trying to eat the "paint" out of the cup.

I'm calling giving this project a :-/ on a scale of :-(, :-) or :-/.

Honestly, at 11 months I think L was too young for this one. He was far more interested in the tape and licking the paint. He was sticky and messy so we had a bath right after. That's really no big deal, he needed a bath anyway, but it wasn't something I had figured into timings. Also, the "paint" takes FOREVER to dry. Lennon was pleased with himself, as seen in this awesome photo. That gets a :-) from me.

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